
Showing posts from 2019

8 things I uncounciously acknowledged while trying to dominate the English language.

How have you acquired the English language? Has it been through reading? By paying attention in English class since you were little? Perhaps through video games, or another audiovisual medium. In my personal experience, I've earned it mostly empirically, by living in an English speaking country in southeast Asia. However, it hasn't been just by facing the obvious, the fact that I had to communicate myself, but I have also had to fall in love with it, with its differences in usage and personality from Spanish, my original language.  I have been exposed to English for seven years now. My entire degree was under this language, and I worked for a while in an Australian company based in Malaysia, which gave me the chance of working with people from either Taiwan or Canada using only English. I do feel comfortable in my usage of grammar, but I am fully conscious that I still have troubles with past tenses in general. An expert will notice that. I am currently studying at Cambridge

El feminismo y el hombre.

Necesitamos dejar de entender el feminismo cómo algo que incumbe exclusivamente a las mujeres y su lucha. El hecho de que el feminismo discuta aborto legal, mundo laboral femenino en desventaja, o violación y acoso sexual hacia la mujer (luchas que por cierto debemos acompañar) no significa que el movimiento tome bandera por estas causas nada más, y ésta percepción no cambiará a menos que logremos más participación masculina . Hablo de usted amigo, de mí, mientras más seamos los hombres que entiendan la magnitud del movimiento, más será ésta una lucha nuestra que solamente de ellas. El hombre debe darse cuenta que también necesita esa mentada lucha contra el patriarcado, en términos si quieres más imparciales, tan solo me refiero a que todos necesitamos democracia de género dentro del sistema del que somos parte. La misoginia es tan solo una punta del iceberg, ésta es simplemente un arma que acomoda al hombre para defenderse del machismo del que es víctima, en un sistema que le